



Serial Port in VirtualBox

I am using Linux mostly on VirtualBox in Windows (I've rarely use Linux only PC). In this use model, there are many cases where I want to copy files between the host (Windows 10 in my case) and the VirtualBox. I googled many tips on setting the shared folder but most of those tips often missing with one or two critical steps and spend so much time and effort on figuring out the missing part. I just this again today (Jan 19, 2018) and I decided to write down what I did before I forget.

The operating systems and virtual box that I am using are as follows.

  • Windows 10 on x64-based PC(Intel64 Family)
  • Virtual Box Version 6.1
  • Operating System installed in Virtual Box : ubuntu-20.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso

Step 01 : Make it sure that you have an Activated COM port on the host PC

Step 02 : Configure COM in Serial Port Setting on Virtual Box

Step 03 : Check the COM port settings in Linux

Step 04 : [Optional]  Change the COM port settings in Linux

Step 05 : [Optional]  Check COM operation in Linux