GUTI stands for Globally Unique Temporary Identifier. The GUTI is a critical temporary identifier used in 5G (and 4G/LTE) networks to protect the privacy and security of a UE. It serves as a substitute for the UE’s permanent identity (SUPI – Subscription Permanent Identifier) during interactions with the network, ensuring sensitive subscriber information is not transmitted over the air.
GUTI Structure (5G):The 5G GUTI is structured as follows: GUTI = <GUAMI> + <5G-TMSI>
Example :GUTI in Registraion Request 5GS mobile identity: 5G-GUTI MCC = 001 MNC = 01 AMF Region ID = 128 AMF Set ID = 4 AMF Pointer = 1 5G-TMSI = 0x32efe46b Key Aspects of 5G-GUTI
How is it used in NAS Signaling ?In 5G networks, the 5G-GUTI (often referred to simply as GUTI) is a temporary identifier that the AMF assigns to a UE. Once assigned, the UE uses this identifier to communicate with the network in subsequent NAS signaling procedures—rather than using its permanent identifier (SUPI, e.g., IMSI) Initial Registration (Attach)
Example : When UE does not have a valid GUIT Message: Registration request
Protocol discriminator = 0x7e (5GS Mobility Management) Security header = 0x0 (Plain 5GS NAS message, not security protected) Message type = 0x41 (Registration request) 5GS registration type: Follow-on request bit = 1 Value = 1 (initial registration) ngKSI: TSC = 0 NAS key set identifier = 7 5GS mobile identity: SUCI SUPI format = 0 (IMSI) MCC = 001 MNC = 01 Routing indicator = 0 Protection scheme id = 0 (Null scheme) Home network public key identifier = 0 MSIN = 0123456789 UE security capability: 0xe0 (5G-EA0=1, 128-5G-EA1=1, 128-5G-EA2=1, 128-5G-EA3=0, 5G-EA4=0, 5G-EA5=0, 5G-EA6=0, 5G-EA7=0) 0xe0 (5G-IA0=1, 128-5G-IA1=1, 128-5G-IA2=1, 128-5G-IA3=0, 5G-IA4=0, 5G-IA5=0, 5G-IA6=0, 5G-IA7=0) Example : When UE already holds a valid GUIT Message: Registration request
Protocol discriminator = 0x7e (5GS Mobility Management) Security header = 0x1 (Integrity protected) Auth code = 0x4295c610 Sequence number = 0x2e Protocol discriminator = 0x7e (5GS Mobility Management) Security header = 0x0 (Plain 5GS NAS message, not security protected) Message type = 0x41 (Registration request) 5GS registration type: Follow-on request bit = 1 Value = 1 (initial registration) ngKSI: TSC = 0 NAS key set identifier = 6 5GS mobile identity: 5G-GUTI MCC = 001 MNC = 01 AMF Region ID = 128 AMF Set ID = 4 AMF Pointer = 1 5G-TMSI = 0x32efe46b UE security capability: 0xf0 (5G-EA0=1, 128-5G-EA1=1, 128-5G-EA2=1, 128-5G-EA3=1, 5G-EA4=0, 5G-EA5=0, 5G-EA6=0, 5G-EA7=0) 0x70 (5G-IA0=0, 128-5G-IA1=1, 128-5G-IA2=1, 128-5G-IA3=1, 5G-IA4=0, 5G-IA5=0, 5G-IA6=0, 5G-IA7=0) 0xf0 (EEA0=1, 128-EEA1=1, 128-EEA2=1, 128-EEA3=1, EEA4=0, EEA5=0, EEA6=0, EEA7=0) 0x70 (EIA0=0, 128-EIA1=1, 128-EIA2=1, 128-EIA3=1, EIA4=0, EIA5=0, EIA6=0, EIA7=0) NAS message container: Protocol discriminator = 0x7e (5GS Mobility Management) Security header = 0x0 (Plain 5GS NAS message, not security protected) Message type = 0x41 (Registration request) 5GS registration type: Follow-on request bit = 1 Value = 1 (initial registration) ngKSI: TSC = 0 NAS key set identifier = 6 5GS mobile identity: 5G-GUTI MCC = 001 MNC = 01 AMF Region ID = 128 AMF Set ID = 4 AMF Pointer = 1 5G-TMSI = 0x32efe46b 5GMM capability: 0x03 (SGC=0, 5G-IPHC-CP CIoT=0, N3 data=0, 5G-CP CIoT=0, RestrictEC=0, LPP=0, HO attach=1, S1 mode=1) UE security capability: 0xf0 (5G-EA0=1, 128-5G-EA1=1, 128-5G-EA2=1, 128-5G-EA3=1, 5G-EA4=0, 5G-EA5=0, 5G-EA6=0, 5G-EA7=0) 0x70 (5G-IA0=0, 128-5G-IA1=1, 128-5G-IA2=1, 128-5G-IA3=1, 5G-IA4=0, 5G-IA5=0, 5G-IA6=0, 5G-IA7=0) 0xf0 (EEA0=1, 128-EEA1=1, 128-EEA2=1, 128-EEA3=1, EEA4=0, EEA5=0, EEA6=0, EEA7=0) 0x70 (EIA0=0, 128-EIA1=1, 128-EIA2=1, 128-EIA3=1, EIA4=0, EIA5=0, EIA6=0, EIA7=0) Requested NSSAI: S-NSSAI Length of S-NSSAI contents = 1 (SST) SST = 0x01 Last visited registered TAI: MCC = 001 MNC = 01 TAC = 0x000064 S1 UE network capability: 0xf0 (EEA0=1, 128-EEA1=1, 128-EEA2=1, 128-EEA3=1, EEA4=0, EEA5=0, EEA6=0, EEA7=0) 0x70 (EIA0=0, 128-EIA1=1, 128-EIA2=1, 128-EIA3=1, EIA4=0, EIA5=0, EIA6=0, EIA7=0) 0xc0 (UEA0=1, UEA1=1, UEA2=0, UEA3=0, UEA4=0, UEA5=0, UEA6=0, UEA7=0) 0x40 (UCS2=0, UIA1=1, UIA2=0, UIA3=0, UIA4=0, UIA5=0, UIA6=0, UIA7=0) 0x19 (ProSe-dd=0, ProSe=0, H.245-ASH=0, ACC-CSFB=1, LPP=1, LCS=0, 1xSRVCC=0, NF=1) 0x80 (ePCO=1, HC-CP CIoT=0, ERw/oPDN=0, S1-U data=0, UP CIoT=0, CP CIoT=0, ProSe-relay=0, ProSe-dc=0) 0xb0 (15 bearers=1, SGC=0, N1mode=1, DCNR=1, CP backoff=0, RestrictEC=0, V2X PC5=0, multipleDRB=0) UE's usage setting = 0x01 (Data centric) LADN indication: Length = 0 Data = Network slicing indication = 0x00 (DCNI=0, NSSCI=0) 5GS update type = 0x01 (EPS-PNB-CIoT=no additional information, 5GS-PNB-CIoT=no additional information, NG-RAN-RCU=0, SMS requested=1)
Example Message: Registration accept
Protocol discriminator = 0x7e (5GS Mobility Management) Security header = 0x2 (Integrity protected and ciphered) Auth code = 0xeab2c7d4 Sequence number = 0x01 Protocol discriminator = 0x7e (5GS Mobility Management) Security header = 0x0 (Plain 5GS NAS message, not security protected) Message type = 0x42 (Registration accept) 5GS registration result = 0x09 (Disaster roaming registration result=0, Emergency registered=0, NSSAA to be performed=0, SMS allowed=1, 3GPP access) 5G-GUTI: 5G-GUTI MCC = 001 MNC = 01 AMF Region ID = 128 AMF Set ID = 4 AMF Pointer = 1 5G-TMSI = 0xe216d4e9 TAI list: Length = 7 Data = 00 00 f1 10 00 00 64 Allowed NSSAI: S-NSSAI Length of S-NSSAI contents = 1 (SST) SST = 0x01 Configured NSSAI: S-NSSAI Length of S-NSSAI contents = 1 (SST) SST = 0x01 5GS network feature support: 0x03 (MPSI=0, IWK N26=0, EMF=not supported, EMC=not supported, IMS-VoPS-N3GPP=1, IMS-VoPS-3GPP=1) 0x00 (5G-UP CIoT=0, 5G-IPHC-CP CIoT=0, N3 data=0, 5G-CP CIoT=0, RestrictEC=both CE mode A and CE mode B are not restricted, MCSI=0, EMCN3=0) T3512 value: Value = 30 Unit = 5 (1 minute) Emergency number list: Length = 8 Data = 03 1f 19 f1 03 1f 11 f2
Subsequent NAS ProceduresOnce the UE has a valid GUTI, it uses that GUTI in all subsequent NAS messages to avoid exposing its permanent identity. Examples include:
GUTI Re-Allocation / Re-AssignmentTo further protect the subscriber’s privacy and prevent long-term correlation:
Handling Unknown or Invalid GUTI
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