Communication Technology





I/Q Constellation




    mlevel = 2;

    n = 100;

    s_i = round((mlevel-1)*rand(1,n))-(mlevel-1)/2;

    s_q = round((mlevel-1)*rand(1,n))-(mlevel-1)/2;

    plot(s_i,s_q,'-',s_i,s_q,'go'); axis([-mlevel/2 mlevel/2 -mlevel/2 mlevel/2]);




    mlevel = 2;

    n = 100;

    rAmp = 0.1;

    s_i = (round((mlevel-1)*rand(1,n))-(mlevel-1)/2) + (rAmp*rand(1,n)-0.5*rAmp);

    s_q = round((mlevel-1)*rand(1,n))-(mlevel-1)/2 + (rAmp*rand(1,n)-0.5*rAmp);

    plot(s_i,s_q,'-',s_i,s_q,'go'); axis([-mlevel/2 mlevel/2 -mlevel/2 mlevel/2]);




    mlevel = 2;

    n = 100;

    rAmp = 0.1;

    s_i = (round((mlevel-1)*rand(1,n))-(mlevel-1)/2) + (rAmp*rand(1,n)-0.5*rAmp);

    s_q = round((mlevel-1)*rand(1,n))-(mlevel-1)/2 + (rAmp*rand(1,n)-0.5*rAmp);


    % Folowing is to display digital pulse for the signal

    sf = 10;

    path_i = s_i;

    path_q = s_q;


    if sf > 1

       for i = 2:sf

        path_i= [path_i ; s_i];

        path_q= [path_q ; s_q]; 



       path_i = reshape(path_i,[],1);

       path_q = reshape(path_q,[],1);



    subplot(2,2,1); plot(path_i);axis([0 length(path_i) -mlevel/2 mlevel/2]);

    subplot(2,2,3); plot(path_q);axis([0 length(path_i) -mlevel/2 mlevel/2]);

    subplot(2,2,[2 4]); plot(path_i,path_q,'-',s_i,s_q,'go'); axis([-mlevel/2 mlevel/2 -mlevel/2 mlevel/2]);




    mlevel = 2;

    n = 100;

    rAmp = 0.1;

    s_i = (round((mlevel-1)*rand(1,n))-(mlevel-1)/2) + (rAmp*rand(1,n)-0.5*rAmp);

    s_q = round((mlevel-1)*rand(1,n))-(mlevel-1)/2 + (rAmp*rand(1,n)-0.5*rAmp);


    % Folowing is to display digital pulse for the signal

    sf = 32;

    path_i = s_i;

    path_q = s_q;


    if sf > 1

       for i = 2:sf

        path_i= [path_i ; s_i];

        path_q= [path_q ; s_q]; 



       path_i = reshape(path_i,[],1);

       path_q = reshape(path_q,[],1);




    b = fir1(128,0.10,'low');


    path_i = filter(b,1,path_i);

    path_q = filter(b,1,path_q);


    subplot(2,2,1); plot(path_i);axis([0 length(path_i) -mlevel/2 mlevel/2]);

    subplot(2,2,3); plot(path_q);axis([0 length(path_i) -mlevel/2 mlevel/2]);

    subplot(2,2,[2 4]); plot(path_i,path_q,'-',s_i,s_q,'go'); axis([-mlevel/2 mlevel/2 -mlevel/2 mlevel/2]);