CN Domain Identity


Most of UMTS Cell support both CS and PS communication, but there are some cases where a cell support or allow only CS or PS communication.

How Network can inform UE of its CN (Core Network) capability ?

The first level information about CN capability is sent to UE by System Information Type 1.

Would this capability influence on Registration protocol sequence ?  

Yes. There are roughly three different types of registration sequence being used for each of CN configuration.

Of course, in real network you would see various variation.. but these three type of sequence would give you a good template for each case.


System Information Type 1


Following SIB1 shows the case where the cell support both CS and PS capability. In this case, usually Registration procedure < Type 1 > in case of Non Combined (NMO II) registration or < Type 3 > in case of Combined (NMO I) is used.



Following SIB1 shows the case where the cell support PS capability only. In this case, usually Registration procedure < Type 3 > is used.



Following SIB1 shows the case where the cell support CS capability only. In this case, usually Registration procedure < Type 2 > is used.



Registration Sequence


< Type 1 >

    1) RRC: RRC Connection Request

    2) RRC: RRC Connection Setup

    3) RRC: RRC Connection Setup Complete

    4) RRC: initialDirectTransfer + MM: Location Updating Request

    5) RRC : downlinkDirectTransfer + MM:Authentication Request

    6) RRC: initialDirectTransfer + GMM: Attach Request

    7) RRC : uplinkDirectTransfer + MM:Authentication Response

    8) RRC : Security Mode Command

    9) RRC : Security Mode Complete

    10) RRC : downlinkDirectTransfer + MM:Identity Request

    11) RRC : uplinkDirectTransfer + MM:Identity Response

    12) RRC : downlinkDirectTransfer + MM:Location Updating Accept

    13) RRC : uplinkDirectTransfer + MM:TMSI Reallocation Complete

    14) RRC : downlinkDirectTransfer + GMM: AuthenticationAndCipheringRequest

    15) RRC : uplinkDirectTransfer + GMM: AuthenticationAndCipheringResponse

    16) RRC : Security Mode Command

    17) RRC : Security Mode Complete

    18) RRC : downlinkDirectTransfer + GMM:Identity Request

    19) RRC : uplinkDirectTransfer + GMM:Identity Response

    20) RRC : downlinkDirectTransfer + GMM:Attach Accept

    21) RRC : uplinkDirectTransfer + GMM:Attach Complete

    22) RRC : RRC Connection Release

    23) RRC : RRC Connection Release Complete


< Type 2 >

    1) RRC: RRC Connection Request

    2) RRC: RRC Connection Setup

    3) RRC: RRC Connection Setup Complete

    4) RRC: initialDirectTransfer + MM: Location Updating Request

    5) RRC : downlinkDirectTransfer + MM:Authentication Request

    6) RRC : uplinkDirectTransfer + MM:Authentication Response

    7) RRC : Security Mode Command

    8) RRC : Security Mode Complete

    9) RRC : downlinkDirectTransfer + MM:Identity Request

    10) RRC : uplinkDirectTransfer + MM:Identity Response

    11) RRC : downlinkDirectTransfer + MM:Location Updating Accept

    12) RRC : uplinkDirectTransfer + MM:TMSI Reallocation Complete

    13) RRC : RRC Connection Release

    14) RRC : RRC Connection Release Complete


< Type 3 >

    1) RRC: RRC Connection Request

    2) RRC: RRC Connection Setup

    3) RRC: RRC Connection Setup Complete

    4) RRC: initialDirectTransfer + GMM: Attach Request

    5) RRC : downlinkDirectTransfer + GMM: AuthenticationAndCipheringRequest

    6) RRC : uplinkDirectTransfer + GMM: AuthenticationAndCipheringResponse

    7) RRC : Security Mode Command

    8) RRC : Security Mode Complete

    9) RRC : downlinkDirectTransfer + GMM:Identity Request

    10) RRC : uplinkDirectTransfer + GMM:Identity Response

    11) RRC : downlinkDirectTransfer + GMM:Attach Accept

    12) RRC : uplinkDirectTransfer + GMM:Attach Complete

    13) RRC : RRC Connection Release

    14) RRC : RRC Connection Release Complete