Current Channel
The RF channel to use for all following transmissions and receptions
Channels Supported
Each entry in the list consists of a channel page and a list of channel numbers supported for that channel page
TX Power Tolerance
The tolerance on the transmit power setting, plus or minus the indicated value.
1 dB, 3 dB, 6 dB |
The transmit power of the device in dBm.
CCA Mode
The CCA mode
1~6 |
Current Page
This is the current PHY channel page. This is used in conjunction with phyCurrentChannel to uniquely identify the channel currently being used.
Max Frame Duration
The maximum number of symbols in a frame
SHR Duration
The duration of the synchronization header (SHR) in symbols for the current PHY
Symbols Per Octet
The number of symbols per octet for the current PHY
0.4, 1.3, 1.6, 2,5.3, 8
Preamble Symbol Length
Zero indicates preamble symbol length is 31, and one indicates that length 127 symbol is used. Present for UWB PHY
0, 1 |
UWB Data Rates Supported
A list of the data rates available in the operating channel
CSS Low DataRate Supported
TRUE indicates that 250 kb/s is supported. Present for CSS PHY
UWB CoU Supported
TRUE if CoU pulses are supported, FALSE otherwise
UWB CS Supported†
TRUE if CS pulses are supported, FALSE otherwise
UWB LCP Supported
TRUE if LCP pulses are supported, FALSE otherwise
UWB Current Pulse Shape
Indicates the current pulse shape setting of the UWB PHY
UWB CoU pulse
Defines the slope of the frequency chirp and bandwidth of pulse. CCh.3–CCh.6 are valid only for wideband UWB channels, e.g., 4, 7, 11, or 15,
CCh.1, CCh.2, CCh.3, CCh.4,CCh.5, CCh.6
UWB CS pulse
Defines the group delay of the continuous spectrum filter. No.3–No.6 are valid only for wideband UWB channels, e.g., 4, 7, 11, or 15
No.1, No.2, No.3, No.4, No.5, No.6
UWB LCP Weight1
The weights are represented in twos-complement form. A value of 0x80 represents –1 while a value of 0x7F represents 1
UWB LCP Weight2
The weights are represented in twos-complement form. A value of 0x80 represents –1 while a value of 0x7F represents 1
UWB LCP Weight3
The weights are represented in twos-complement form. A value of 0x80 represents –1 while a value of 0x7F represents 1
UWB LCP Weight4
The weights are represented in twos-complement form. A value of 0x80 represents –1 while a value of 0x7F represents 1
UWB LCP Delay2
The range is from 0 to 4 ns with a resolution is 4/255 = 15.625 ps. For example, a value of 0x00 represents 0 while 0x02 represents 31.25 ps
UWB LCP Delay3
The range is from 0 to 4 ns with a resolution is 4/255 = 15.625 ps. For example, a value of 0x00 represents 0 while 0x02 represents 31.25 ps
UWB LCP Delay4
The range is from 0 to 4 ns with a resolution is 4/255 = 15.625 ps. For example, a value of 0x00 represents 0 while 0x02 represents 31.25 ps
TRUE if ranging is supported, FALSE otherwise
Ranging Crystal Offset
TRUE if crystal offset characterization is supported, FALSE otherwise
Ranging DPS
TRUE if DPS is supported, FALSE otherwise
Current Code
This value is zero for PHYs other than UWB or CSS. For UWB PHYs, this represents the current preamble code index in use by the transmitter. For the CSS PHY, the value indicates the subchirp,
0~24 |
Native PRF
For UWB PHYs, the native PRF. Zero is for non-UWB PHYs; one is for PRF of 4; two is for a PRF of 16; and three is for PHYs that have no preference.
0~3 |
UWB Scan Bins Per Channel
Number of frequency intervals used to scan each UWB channel (scan resolution). Set to zero for non-UWB PHYs
UWB Inserted Preamble Interval
The time interval between two neighboring inserted preamble symbols in the data portion, for UWB PHYs operating with CCA mode 6. The resolution is a data symbol duration at a data rate of 850 kb/s for all channels. Set to four for UWB PHY in CCA mode 6; otherwise, set to zero.
0,4 |
A count of the propagation time from the ranging counter to the transmit antenna. The LSB of a time value represents 1/128 of a chip time at the mandatory chipping rate of 499.2 MHz
A count of the propagation time from the receive antenna to the ranging counter. The LSB of a time value represents 1/128 of a chip time at the mandatory chipping rate of 499.2 MHz.
RFRAME Processing Time
A count of the processing time required by the PHY to handle an arriving RFRAME. The LSB represents 2 ms. The meaning of the value is that if a sequence of RFRAMEs arrive separated by phyRFRAMEProcessingTime, then the PHY can keep up with the processing indefinitely
CCA Duration
The duration for CCA, specified in symbols. This attribute shall only be implemented with PHYs operating in the 950 MHz band