import json
# this is to read a json file and return the whole contents of the file. This is just two line codes but would need a
# long explanation to give you the full details.
# The with statement is used here to handle the opening and closing of the file. This is good practice because it
# makes sure the file gets closed properly even if something goes wrong while reading it.
# Then, the json.load function is called with file as its argument. This function reads the whole JSON file and turns
# it into a Python object.
# If the JSON file contains a JSON object (i.e., what you'd write in JavaScript as {...}), json.load returns a
# dictionary. If the JSON file contains a JSON array (i.e., [...] in JavaScript), it returns a list. If the JSON file just
# contains a single JSON value (like "hello" or 42), then it'll return a string or an integer, or whatever the appropriate
# Python equivalent is.
# In case of the test json file shown in previous section. This is what happens when json.load() is executed.
# In this case, the outermost element of the JSON data is a JSON object (i.e., {...}). Therefore, json.load() will
# return a Python dictionary when you use it to load this JSON file.
# Breaking further down, it goes as follows:
# The returned dictionary has a single key: "employees". The value associated with this key is a JSON array, which
# is translated into a Python list.
# Each element of this list is a JSON object, corresponding to individual employees. These objects are translated into
# dictionaries in Python.
# Each of these dictionaries has several keys (like "id", "firstName", "lastName", and so on). The values for these
# keys are either simple data types (strings in this case), JSON arrays (for "phoneNumbers" and "skills"), or JSON
# objects (for "address").
# These inner JSON arrays and objects are also translated into Python lists and dictionaries, respectively.
def read_json_file(file_name):
with open(file_name, 'r') as file:
return json.load(file)
# This function is to print the contents of a JSON structure in a readable, nicely-formatted way. It only takes one
# argument named json_content:
# json_content is a Python object that you want to print. This object should be a valid JSON structure.
# In other words, it could be a Python dictionary, list, string, number, None, etc.
# Now let's dive into the function body:
# The function uses the json.dumps() method from Python's json module. The dumps() function is short for "dump
# string," and its job is to convert a Python object into a JSON string.
# The first argument it takes is the Python object you want to convert. In this case, it's the json_content that you
# passed to the json_print() function.
# The second argument, indent=4, is an optional parameter that tells dumps() to format the output string in a pretty
# way. Specifically, it adds newlines after each JSON object (i.e., {}) or array ([]), and it indents the contents of
# those objects or arrays by 4 spaces. This makes the JSON structure much easier to read, especially if it's nested!
# Once json.dumps() has created this pretty string, the function simply prints it to the console with the print()
# function. And that's all there is to it!
def json_print(json_content):
print(json.dumps(json_content, indent=4))
# This is to get access a specific item from a JSON structure and print it in a pretty way. In short, it is to extract
# a specific items of the given JSON data.
# It takes two arguments:
# json_content is a Python object representing the JSON structure you want to work with. This can be a Python
# dictionary, list, string, number, None, etc. — anything that's a valid JSON structure.
# json_item_path is a string describing the path to the item within the JSON structure you're interested in. It
# uses dot notation to represent the hierarchy of keys in the structure. For example, in a JSON structure
# representing a person, the path "" would correspond to the city part of the address.
# Now, let's break down the function body:
# First, it splits json_item_path into a list of its components with json_item_path.split('.'). This is done because the
# path could represent several levels of nesting, e.g., "" would be split into ['address', 'city'].
# It then initializes item to point to the whole JSON content.
# Next, it enters a loop that iterates over each part of the item path. For each part:
# If the part is a string of digits (which is checked with part.isdigit()), it's assumed to be an index into a list.
# So, the function converts it to an integer with int(part) and uses that to index into item.
# If the part is not a string of digits, it's assumed to be a key into a dictionary. So, the function uses it directly to
# index into item.
# In either case, item is updated to point to the next level of the JSON structure as specified by the current part
# of the item path.
# Once all parts of the item path have been processed, item should be pointing to the desired item in the JSON
# structure.
# Finally, the function pretty-prints the item path and the item itself with print()
def json_print_item(json_content, json_item_path):
item_path_parts = json_item_path.split('.')
item = json_content
for part in item_path_parts:
if part.isdigit():
item = item[int(part)]
item = item[part]
print(json_item_path,' = ', json.dumps(item, indent=4))
# This is to do exactly same thing as def json_print_item() does, but in different way (doing reversive instead of
# for loop). I would not describe in this about this. you may skip this part unless you are really interested in.
def json_print_item_recursive(json_content, json_item_path, full_path=''):
item_path_parts = json_item_path.split('.')
part = item_path_parts[0]
new_full_path = full_path + ('.' + part if full_path else part)
if len(item_path_parts) == 1:
if part.isdigit():
item = json_content[int(part)]
item = json_content[part]
print(new_full_path, ' = ', json.dumps(item, indent=4))
new_path = '.'.join(item_path_parts[1:])
if part.isdigit():
json_print_item_recursive(json_content[int(part)], new_path, new_full_path)
json_print_item_recursive(json_content[part], new_path, new_full_path)
# This is the test code for the functions defined above
json_content = read_json_file('JsonTest_01.txt')
json_print_item(json_content, 'employees.1.firstName')
json_print_item(json_content, 'employees.0.phoneNumbers.0.type')
json_print_item(json_content, 'employees.0.phoneNumbers.0.number')
json_print_item_recursive(json_content, 'employees.1.firstName')
json_print_item_recursive(json_content, 'employees.0.phoneNumbers.0.type')
json_print_item_recursive(json_content, 'employees.0.phoneNumbers.0.number')