NR - CSI RS : p16, row 11


This slideshow is to illustrate two main components related to the CSI-RS (Channel State Information - Reference Signals) in the context of cellular communications, based on the 3GPP specification 38.211. The image is divided into two sections:

  • Resource Grid - CSI-RS (on the left): This grid represents the frequency domain (subcarriers on the vertical axis) and the time domain (OFDM symbols on the horizontal axis) of a cellular communication slot. The yellow squares indicate the specific positions of the CSI-RS in the grid. The highlighted position corresponds to pattern 8 (p16), row 11 of "38.211-Table CSI-RS locations within a slot", referring to the location of the CSI-RS as specified in the 3GPP technical document mentioned.

  • CSI-RS Value Representation (on the right): This is a graphical representation of the CSI-RS value in the first Physical Resource Block (PRB) for a specifif antenna port. It depicts a polar coordinate system with a red vector originating from the center, showing the amplitude and phase of a CSI-RS value, which is a complex number. As the antenna port changes, this value and its position onthe resource grid would change, indicating different CSI-RS for each antenna port and potentially different channel conditions.

The overall purpose of this image seems to be an educational or diagnostic tool to demonstrate how CSI-RS are distributed across the resource grid and to show the value of each CSI-RS for different antenna ports as defined by the standard.




< Code 1 >


% NOTE : This code is based on the example in the Matlab document linked here. I modified the plotGrid() function for the visualization shown in this note.


carrier = nrCarrierConfig;

carrier.NSizeGrid = 4;

carrier.SubcarrierSpacing = 15;

carrier.NSlot = 1;

carrier.NFrame = 0;


csirs = nrCSIRSConfig;

csirs.CSIRSType = {'nzp'};

csirs.CSIRSPeriod = {[40 1]};

csirs.Density = {'three'};

csirs.RowNumber = [1];

csirs.SymbolLocations = {4};

csirs.SubcarrierLocations = {0};

csirs.NumRB = 4;

csirs.NID = 2;


powerCSIRS = 0;

sym = nrCSIRS(carrier,csirs);

csirsSym = sym*db2mag(powerCSIRS);


csirsInd = nrCSIRSIndices(carrier,csirs);


ports = max(csirs.NumCSIRSPorts);   % Number of antenna ports

txGrid = nrResourceGrid(carrier,ports);


txGrid(csirsInd) = csirsSym;


RelativePortNo = 0; % 3000+RelativePortNo corresponds to p in TS 38.211 section




function plotGrid(gridSize,csirsInd,csirsSym,gridIndex,NoOfPort)



    cmap = colormap(gcf);

    chpval = {20,2};

    chpscale = 0.25*length(cmap); % Scaling factor


    tempSym = csirsSym;

    tempSym(tempSym ~= 0) = chpval{1}; % Replacing non-zero-power symbols

    tempSym(tempSym == 0) = chpval{2}; % Replacing zero-power symbols

    tempGrid = complex(zeros(gridSize));

    tempGrid(csirsInd) = tempSym;

    NoOfRsPerPort = length(csirsSym)/NoOfPort;



    hold on;    

    image(chpscale*tempGrid(:,:,gridIndex)); % Multiplied with scaling factor for better visualization

    axis xy;

    xlim([0.5 14.5]);



    ylim([0.5 48.5]);

    set(gca,'ytick',[0 11 23 35 47]+1);



    x = 1.5:1:14.5;

    y = 1.5:1:48.5;



    y = 0.5:12:48.5;




    names = {'NZP CSI-RS','ZP CSI-RS'};

    clevels = chpscale*[chpval{:}];

    N = length(clevels);

    L = line(ones(N),ones(N),'LineWidth',8); % Generate lines

    % Index the color map and associate the selected colors with the lines

    set(L,{'color'},mat2cell(cmap( min(1+clevels,length(cmap) ),:),ones(1,N),3)); % Set the colors according to cmap

    % Create legend



    title('Reource Grid : CSI-RS')

    xlabel('OFDM Symbols');



    subplot(1,3,[2 3]);


    hold on;


    for y = 1:12

        for x = 1:14





    symEnd = (gridIndex-1)*48*14 + 48;

    symIndexStart = (gridIndex-1)*NoOfRsPerPort+1;

    symIndexEnd = symIndexStart + NoOfRsPerPort-1;

    RePerGrid = 48*14;

    for i = symIndexStart:symIndexEnd

         vx1 = double(floor((csirsInd(i)-RePerGrid*(gridIndex-1))/48)+1);

         vy1 = double(mod(csirsInd(i),48));

         vx2 = vx1 + 0.5*real(csirsSym(i));

         vy2 = vy1 + 0.5*imag(csirsSym(i));

         if vy1 < 13

            line([vx1 vx2],[vy1 vy2],'Color','red');

            plot(vx2,vy2,'ro','MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0],'MarkerSize',3);


         tmpStr = sprintf("%d,%f,%f",csirsInd(i),vx1,vy1);



    axis([0 15 0 13]);




    daspect([1 1 1]);

    box on;

    title('CSI-RS value in the first PRB')

    xlabel('OFDM Symbols');



    set(gcf, 'Position', [100 100 800 600]);




function circle(x,y,r)

    t = linspace(0,2*pi,20);

