


How do you compare Network Slicing with NPN(Non-Public Network) ?

Network Slicing and Non-Public Networks (NPNs) are distinct approaches in 5G networking, catering to different needs. Here's a comparison:

  • Use Case Versatility: Network slicing supports a variety of services on public networks, whereas NPNs are ideal for organizations needing exclusive network environments.
  • Resource Allocation: Slices share and dynamically allocate underlying resources, while NPNs utilize dedicated resources.
  • Control and Security: Although network slicing offers isolation and security, NPNs provide superior control and security due to their private nature.
  • Deployment and Management: Network slicing is managed by network operators and can be complex, while NPNs offer tailored management by the owning organization.

The choice between network slicing and NPNs depends on the specific requirements such as control, security, performance, and customization needed.