Open RAN  - free5gc  




Run webconsole

webconsole is a tool where you can add subscribers (UE information) and check some status and statistics. Checking status and statitics would be optional to you, but adding subscribers is mandatory for UE to complete the registration to corenetwork. So getting webconsole to work is mandatory installation process. If you had any issues during the installation and failed to get it working, you may try again this process : Reinstall and Build webconsol  which is contributed by Chlosta, Merlin as usual.

Check if webconsole binary is available

First, check webconsole binary is propery created. You are supposed to find it at free5gc/webconsole/bin as shown below.

Run the webconsole

Run the webconsole

If it runs OK, you should see Listening and serving HTTP on :5000 as shown below.

Now browse to the webserver (http://aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:50s  where aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd is the ip adress of the PC on which free5gc is installed). User ID and password is as follows.

     user id : admin, password : free5gc

When you login, you would get the screen as follows. (Outlook of this screen may change over the time of your installation. This is what I got from the installation that I did in Jan 2022).

Add Subscribers

To add the subscribers (USim information and other UE settings), go to [SUBSCRIBERS] pannel and hit [New Subscriber].

Add all the information that you need.  The list of information may look intimidating (too much information), but for initial registration you may need to fill out USIM information and leave everything else without any modification.

Then hit [Submit] button at the end of the page.

Then you would get a subscriber registered as follows.

Reinstall and Build webconsol

If you failed to build webconsole during the initial installation process, try followings to redownload and rebuid it.

sudo apt remove cmdtest
sudo apt remove yarn
curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main"|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs yarn