




Python - String Operation/String Manipulation 


If you are new to Computer language. The word 'String' would not sound clear to you.  Simply put, a String in a computer language is 'multiple characters concatenated (combined) into a text'.


NOTE 1 : All the examples in this page are written in Python 3.x. It may not work if you use Pyton 2.x

NOTE 2 : All the examples in this page are assumed to be written/run on Windows 7 unless specifically mentioned. You MAY (or may not) need to modify the syntax a little bit if you are running on other operating system.

  • String Declaration/Assignment and print - Example 1
  • String Concatenation - Example 2
  • Finding Length of a String - Example 3
  • Cut out one character from a String - Example 4
  • Cut out a segment from a String - Example 5
  • Convert all the letters to Upper Case - Example 6
  • Convert all the letters to Lower Case - Example 7
  • Compare two strings - Example 8
  • Split a String with a delimiter - Example 9
  • Find a substring in a string - Example 10
  • Converting a number to a string - Example 11
  • Writing double quotes in a string - Example 12
  • Converting Binary String to String, Converting a String to Binary String - Example 13
  • Replace a substring in a String - Example 14
  • Removing all the spaces in a String - Example 15
  • Removing Carriage Return in a String - Example 16
  • Convert a Hex String into a stream of Hex Numbers(binascii package) - Example 17
  • Convert a stream of Hex Numbers into a Byte Array(binascii package) - Example 18
  • Trimming a string - Example 19


Examples :


< Example 1 > String Declaration/Assignment and print


aString = "Hello World"



Result :----------------------------------

Hello World



< Example 2 > String Concatenation


aString = "Hello World"

bString = " Python"

cString = aString + bString



Result :----------------------------------

Hello World Python



< Example 3 > Finding Length of a String


aString = "Hello World"



Result :----------------------------------




< Example 4 > Cut out one character from a String


aString = "Hello World"



Result :----------------------------------




< Example 5 > Cut out a segment from a String


aString = "Hello World"



Result :----------------------------------




< Example 6 > Convert all the letters to Upper Case


aString = "Hello World"



Result :----------------------------------




< Example 7 > Convert all the letters to Lower Case


aString = "Hello World"



Result :----------------------------------

hello world



< Example 8 > Compare two strings


aString = "Hello"

bString = "hello"


if aString == bString :

   print("Two Strings are same.")

else :

   print("Two Strings are different.")


if aString.upper() == bString.upper() :

   print("Two Strings are same.")

else :

   print("Two Strings are different.")


Result :----------------------------------

Two Strings are different.

Two Strings are same.



< Example 9 > Split a String with a delimiter


aString = "This is an example of string operations in Python"

splitString = aString.split(" ")



print("The 4th Word = ",splitString[3])


Result :----------------------------------

['This', 'is', 'an', 'example', 'of', 'string', 'operations', 'in', 'Python']

The 4th Word =  example



< Example 10 > Find a substring in a string


aString = "This is a Python string"






Result :----------------------------------






< Example 11 > Converting a number to a string


num1 = 1234

num2 = 5678


str1 = str(num1)

str2 = str(num2)


stradd = str1+str2

numadd = num1+num2





Result :----------------------------------





< Example 12 > Writing double quotes in a string

# there are several different ways to writing double quotes in a string


aString = 'He said "Hello World"'

bString = "He said \"Hello World\""


print("aString =",aString)

print("bString =",bString)


Result :----------------------------------

aString = He said "Hello World"

bString = He said "Hello World"



< Example 13 > Converting Binary String to String, Converting a String to Binary String


aString = 'Hello World'

bString = b'Hello World'


print("aString =",aString)

print("bString =",bString)

print("aString.encode('ascii') =",aString.encode('ascii'))

print("bString.decode('ascii') =",bString.decode('ascii'))


Result :----------------------------------

aString = Hello World

bString = b'Hello World'

aString.encode('ascii') = b'Hello World'

bString.decode('ascii') = Hello World



< Example 14 > Replace a substring in a String


orgStr = 'Hello World'

replacedString = orgStr.replace('Hello', 'Hi')


print("orgStr = ", orgStr)

print("replacedString = ", replacedString)


Result :----------------------------------

orgStr =  Hello World

replacedString =  Hi World



< Example 15 > Removing all the spaces in a String


orgStr = 'H e l l o W o r l d'

replacedString = orgStr.replace(" ", "")


print("orgStr = ", orgStr)

print("replacedString = ", replacedString)


Result :----------------------------------

orgStr =  H e l l o W o r l d

replacedString =  HelloWorld



< Example 16 > Removing Carriage Return in a String


orgStr = '\nHello\nWorld'

replacedString = orgStr.replace("\n", " ")


print("orgStr = ", orgStr)

print("replacedString =", replacedString)


Result :----------------------------------

orgStr =  



replacedString =  Hello World



< Example 17 > Convert a Hex String into a stream of Hex Numbers (binascii package)


import binascii


hexStr = "AABBCC"

hexNumbers = binascii.a2b_hex(hexStr)


print("hexStr = ",hexStr)

print("hexNumbers = ", hexNumbers)


Result :----------------------------------

hexStr =  AABBCC

hexNumbers =  b'\xaa\xbb\xcc'



< Example 18 > Convert a stream of Hex Numbers into a Byte Array (binascii package)


import binascii


hexStr = "AABBCC"

hexNumbers = binascii.a2b_hex(hexStr)

byteArray = bytearray(hexNumbers)


print("hexStr = ",hexStr)

print("hexNumbers = ", hexNumbers)

print("byteArray = ", byteArray)





Result :----------------------------------

hexStr =  AABBCC

hexNumbers =  b'\xaa\xbb\xcc'

byteArray =  bytearray(b'\xaa\xbb\xcc')

hexStr[0]= A

hexNumbers[0]= 170

byteArray[0]= 170



< Example 19 > Trimming a string


strA = "   Hello World          "

strB = "### Hello World #####"

trimmedA = strA.strip(" ")

trimmedB = strA.strip("#")


print("strA =",strA)

print("trimmedA =",trimmedA)

print("strB =",strB)

print("trimmedB =",trimmedB)


Result :----------------------------------

strA =    Hello World          

trimmedA = Hello World

strB = ### Hello World #####

trimmedB =    Hello World   



< Example 20 >