Common Channel Configuration


As in WCDMA, in TDSCDMA SIB5 mostly configures physical layer configuration for common channels as PRACH, SCCPCH etc.

Since these are mostly about PHY configuration, you need to have detailed knowledge on physical layer as described in Frame Structure, RMC, RAB overview. Try to create a frame structure table as shown in RMC and fill out the table based on the information contained in SIB5.


Physical Layer Information





  +-prach-SystemInformationList ::= SEQUENCE OF SIZE(1..maxPRACH[16]) [1]

  | +-PRACH-SystemInformation ::= SEQUENCE [01011]

  |   +-prach-RACH-Info ::= SEQUENCE

  |   | +-modeSpecificInfo ::= CHOICE [tdd]

  |   |   +-tdd ::= SEQUENCE

  |   |     +-timeslot ::= INTEGER (0..14) [1]

  |   |     +-channelisationCodeList ::= CHOICE [sf8]

  |   |     | +-sf8 ::= SEQUENCE OF SIZE(1..8) [1]

  |   |     |   +-TDD-PRACH-CCode8 ::= ENUMERATED [cc8-8]

  |   |     +-prach-Midamble ::= ENUMERATED [direct]


  +-v4b0NonCriticalExtensions ::= SEQUENCE [10] OPTIONAL:Exist

    +-sysInfoType5-v4b0ext ::= SEQUENCE [00110] OPTIONAL:Exist

    | +-prach-SystemInformationList-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE OF SIZE(1..maxPRACH[16]) [1] OPTIONAL:Exist

    | | +-PRACH-SystemInformation-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE [11]

    | |   +-prach-RACH-Info-LCR ::= SEQUENCE

    | |   | +-sync-UL-Info ::= SEQUENCE

    | |   | | +-sync-UL-Codes-Bitmap ::= BIT STRING [11111111]

    | |   | | +-prxUpPCHdes ::= INTEGER (0..62) [62]

    | |   | | +-powerRampStep ::= INTEGER (0..3) [1]

    | |   | | +-max-SYNC-UL-Transmissions ::= ENUMERATED [tr8]

    | |   | | +-mmax ::= INTEGER (1..32) [2]

    | |   | +-prach-DefinitionList ::= SEQUENCE OF SIZE(1..maxPRACH-FPACH[8]) [1]

    | |   |   +-PRACH-Definition-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE

    | |   |     +-timeslot ::= INTEGER (1..6) [1]

    | |   |     +-prach-ChanCodes-LCR ::= SEQUENCE OF SIZE(1..4) [1]

    | |   |     | +-TDD-PRACH-CCode-LCR-r4 ::= ENUMERATED [cc8-8]

    | |   |     +-midambleShiftAndBurstType ::= SEQUENCE

    | |   |     | +-midambleAllocationMode ::= CHOICE [defaultMidamble]

    | |   |     | | +-defaultMidamble ::= NULL

    | |   |     | +-midambleConfiguration ::= INTEGER (1..8) [8]

    | |   |     +-fpach-Info ::= SEQUENCE

    | |   |       +-timeslot ::= INTEGER (0..6) [0]

    | |   |       +-channelisationCode ::= ENUMERATED [cc16-15]

    | |   |       +-midambleShiftAndBurstType ::= SEQUENCE

    | |   |       | +-midambleAllocationMode ::= CHOICE [defaultMidamble]

    | |   |       | | +-defaultMidamble ::= NULL

    | |   |       | +-midambleConfiguration ::= INTEGER (1..8) [4]

    | |   |       +-wi ::= INTEGER (1..4) [4]





  +-sCCPCH-SystemInformationList ::= SEQUENCE OF SIZE(1..maxSCCPCH[16]) [1]

  | +-SCCPCH-SystemInformation ::= SEQUENCE [110]

  |   +-secondaryCCPCH-Info ::= SEQUENCE

  |   | +-modeSpecificInfo ::= CHOICE [tdd]

  |   |   +-tdd ::= SEQUENCE

  |   |     +-commonTimeslotInfo ::= SEQUENCE [11]

  |   |     | +-secondInterleavingMode ::= ENUMERATED [frameRelated]

  |   |     | +-tfci-Coding ::= ENUMERATED [tfci-bits-16] OPTIONAL:Exist

  |   |     | +-puncturingLimit ::= ENUMERATED [pl0-64]

  |   |     | +-repetitionPeriodLengthAndOffset ::= CHOICE [repetitionPeriod1] OPTIONAL:Exist

  |   |     |   +-repetitionPeriod1 ::= NULL

  |   |     +-individualTimeslotInfo ::= SEQUENCE

  |   |     | +-timeslotNumber ::= INTEGER (0..14) [0]

  |   |     | +-tfci-Existence ::= BOOLEAN [TRUE]

  |   |     | +-midambleShiftAndBurstType ::= SEQUENCE

  |   |     |   +-burstType ::= CHOICE [type1]

  |   |     |     +-type1 ::= SEQUENCE

  |   |     |       +-midambleConfigurationBurstType1and3 ::= ENUMERATED [ms8]

  |   |     |       +-midambleAllocationMode ::= CHOICE [defaultMidamble]

  |   |     |         +-defaultMidamble ::= NULL

  |   |     +-channelisationCode ::= SEQUENCE OF SIZE(1..16) [2]

  |   |       +-SCCPCH-ChannelisationCode ::= ENUMERATED [cc16-5]

  |   |       +-SCCPCH-ChannelisationCode ::= ENUMERATED [cc16-6]


  +-v4b0NonCriticalExtensions ::= SEQUENCE [10] OPTIONAL:Exist

    +-sysInfoType5-v4b0ext ::= SEQUENCE [00110] OPTIONAL:Exist

    | +-tdd128SpecificInfo ::= SEQUENCE [001] OPTIONAL:Exist

    | | +-pusch-SysInfoList-SFN ::= SEQUENCE OF OPTIONAL:Omit

    | | +-pdsch-SysInfoList-SFN ::= SEQUENCE OF OPTIONAL:Omit

    | | +-pCCPCH-LCR-Extensions ::= SEQUENCE OPTIONAL:Exist

    | | | +-tstd-Indicator ::= BOOLEAN [FALSE]

    | | +-sCCPCH-LCR-ExtensionsList ::= SEQUENCE OF SIZE(1..maxSCCPCH[16]) [1]

    | |   +-SCCPCH-SystemInformation-LCR-r4-ext ::= SEQUENCE [1]

    | |     +-secondaryCCPCH-LCR-Extensions ::= SEQUENCE

    | |     | +-individualTimeslotLCR-Ext ::= SEQUENCE

    | |     |   +-midambleShiftAndBurstType ::= SEQUENCE

    | |     |   | +-midambleAllocationMode ::= CHOICE [defaultMidamble]

    | |     |   | | +-defaultMidamble ::= NULL

    | |     |   | +-midambleConfiguration ::= INTEGER (1..8) [4]

    | |     |   +-modulation ::= ENUMERATED [mod-QPSK]

    | |     |   +-ss-TPC-Symbols ::= ENUMERATED [zero]

    | |     +-pich-Info ::= SEQUENCE [11111] OPTIONAL:Exist

    | |       +-timeslot ::= INTEGER (0..6) [0] OPTIONAL:Exist

    | |       +-pichChannelisationCodeList-LCR-r4 ::= SEQUENCE OF SIZE(1..2) [2]

    | |       | +-DL-TS-ChannelisationCode ::= ENUMERATED [cc16-3]

    | |       | +-DL-TS-ChannelisationCode ::= ENUMERATED [cc16-4]

    | |       +-midambleShiftAndBurstType ::= SEQUENCE

    | |       | +-midambleAllocationMode ::= CHOICE [defaultMidamble]

    | |       | | +-defaultMidamble ::= NULL

    | |       | +-midambleConfiguration ::= INTEGER (1..8) [4]

    | |       +-repetitionPeriodLengthOffset ::= CHOICE [rpp64-2] OPTIONAL:Exist

    | |       | +-rpp64-2 ::= INTEGER (0..63) [0]

    | |       +-pagingIndicatorLength ::= ENUMERATED [pi4] OPTIONAL:Exist

    | |       +-n-GAP ::= ENUMERATED [f4] OPTIONAL:Exist

    | |       +-n-PCH ::= INTEGER (1..8) [4] OPTIONAL:Exist